Easter 6: Abide In My Love

Abide In My Love © Jan L. Richardson

Reading from the Gospels, Easter 6 (May 13): John 15.9-17

After his resurrection, he will prove more elusive—telling Mary Magdalene not to hold onto him, disappearing from the table at Emmaus—but on this night, gathered at the table with his companions, he is fully present to those whose lives have become so intertwined with his. Though Jesus tells the disciples that he has made everything known to them, he sees what lies ahead more clearly than they can. And so he lingers at the table, telling them all that he wants them to understand, preparing them as best he can for the time when he will no longer be physically present to them.

Even as he works with such intention and care to make the disciples ready for his absence, Jesus impresses upon them that he is not letting them go, that his physical departure will not bring an end to his relationship with them, his loving of them. Abide in my love, he urges them, echoing and expounding on the imagery of the vine that he has offered in the preceding verses. He twines his words around them, calling them to stay with him, to remain, to persist in their sacred entanglement that will bear fruit for a hungering world.

In a world where leavings and endings often carry a sense of abandonment, Jesus somehow manages to make an art of departure. He does not turn his face from the pain involved, yet he draws the eyes and ears of his companions to the power and beauty and grace of the connections they have forged: connections that, though changing, will endure.

I have called you friends, he says to them. And says to us: offering himself, seeking us, lingering with us still.


Even in the leaving
o abide with us
turn your face
toward us
and remain with us,
stay with us

P.S. For a Mother’s Day reflection and blessing, visit Mother’s Day: Blessing the Mothers at my Sanctuary of Women blog.

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5 Responses to “Easter 6: Abide In My Love”

  1. Anthony O'Brien Says:

    Thanks Jan,
    I really enjoy your thoughts for Sundays.

  2. Lindsey Says:

    I love expression for the relationship between Jesus and his followers, “sacred entanglement”. Beautiful, thank you.

  3. Karen Curtis-Weakley Says:

    Always beautiful, always inspiring! Thank you!

  4. Laure Says:

    Your words evidence wisdom that brings timely consolation, Jan. Many thanks!

  5. Mary Says:

    Jan your writings continue to inspire throughout the days. Thank you much for honing your beautiful gift.

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