Blessing the Door © Jan L. Richardson
Happy Advent, almost! During the coming weeks you can find me over at my blog The Advent Door, where I’ll be offering reflections and art as we travel toward Christmas. I’d love to have your company there!
Here on the eve of Thanksgiving in the U.S., know that I am grateful for you. Blessings to you.
November 24, 2011 at 11:23 AM |
Wishing you and yours a lovely Thanksgiving, Jan.
December 8, 2011 at 1:04 PM |
Belated thanks, Maureen! Many blessings to you and yours in these Advent days.
December 7, 2011 at 12:44 PM |
Is it possible to get Through the Advent Door as a hard copy BOOK (not on Kindle???) Pamela
December 8, 2011 at 1:02 PM |
Hi, Pamela–
Thanks so much for asking! At present, Through the Advent Door is available only as an eBook, which made it possible for me to bring it out this year instead of waiting another year or two that a print version would have taken. But I do hope to bring it out as a print book at some point, and appreciate your inquiring.
For folks who don’t have a Kindle e-reader, a Kindle app is available so that you can read Kindle books on iPads, iPhones, computers, etc. I know it’s not the same as a print book! But wanted to mention it for those who may be interested. The Kindle app can be downloaded here: Free Kindle Reading Apps. I’ve heard from some folks who tried the app for the first time so they could read this book on their computer and have had a good experience with it.
Thanks again for asking. I’ll post any hard copy developments here. Advent blessings to you!
December 10, 2011 at 11:18 AM |
REALLY want to give this as a gift. Are any of your other books CURRENTLY available as actual books? (I’m a little old fashioned … I like holding a book, wrapping a book, placing it under the Christmas tree!) Thanks. Pamela
December 10, 2011 at 11:46 AM |
Thanks, Pamela! I do have other books available in printed form, including my book Night Visions, which is for Advent and Christmas and includes my artwork as well as my writing. Also my book In the Sanctuary of Women, just released last year. You can read more about them and order on the Books page on my website; here’s the link:
I know what you mean about being able to hold a book! If you saw my house, you would know what a book fiend I am. It will always be my favorite way of reading, and I’m definitely committed to continuing to create books in the printed format. Still, particularly as an artist as well as a writer (and as a reader, too), I am very excited about the possibilities that digital publishing offers. It will never be a substitute for the printed book, but I’m happy to be in a “both/and” place where I can continue to treasure the printed book while also embracing the new directions that digital publishing makes possible for me as an artist/writer/reader.
Thank you again for inquiring about this! I do look forward to making Through the Advent Door available in printed format someday. In the meantime, I’d be delighted for you to take a look at my books that are available in printed (holdable, wrappable, placing-under-the-Christmas-tree-able!) form. I’d be happy to send either or both your way!
Blessings and gratitude to you!
December 20, 2011 at 9:06 AM |
For 13 years I have traveled the Advent path with Night Visions as my guide. Each year it offers something new to comfort and challenge me. I am really blessed by your writings. Bonnie Lattimer, UM Clergy