Image: This Brightness That You Bear © Jan Richardson
Reading from the Gospels, Epiphany, Years ABC: Matthew 2.1-12
They set out; and there, ahead of them,
went the star that they had seen at its rising,
until it stopped over the place where the child was.
—Matthew 2.9
Many of you know that my amazing husband, Garrison Doles, died unexpectedly at the beginning of Advent, after experiencing complications during what we had anticipated would be a fairly routine surgery in mid-November. (I invite you to read this remembrance and blessing I wrote for Gary, if you haven’t seen it.) I am so grateful for all those who encircled us from near and far while Gary was in the hospital, and who are continuing to encompass our family during this time of stunning heartbreak. Every prayer, every word, every good thought has been such a tremendous gift in this dark season.
Gary and I are astoundingly fortunate in our families, who in these past weeks have held the light for us in ways that I can barely begin to thank them for. But this Christmas, I wanted to make the attempt, to at least try to offer up some words to honor the extraordinary lengths they have gone to in order to walk this journey with us. I wrote a blessing for them; today’s image is for them as well. I gave these to them on Christmas Day.
On Christmas Day I also shared the blessing and artwork with those who joined me in the online Illuminated Advent Retreat, by way of thanks for how they traveled with me through a season that was so different than I had anticipated. For Epiphany, I want to share this with you. For the light you bear in this world: thank you. If you are in a dark season of your own, or know someone who is, may this come as a gift and a prayer that you will receive the light you need.
Blessings and gratitude to you as Epiphany draws near.
This Brightness That You Bear
A Blessing for My Family
This blessing
hardly knows what to say,
speechless as it is
not simply
from grief
but from the gratitude
that has come with it—
the thankfulness that sits
among the sorrow
and can barely begin
to tell you
what it means
not to be alone.
This blessing
knows the distances
you crossed
in person
in prayer
to enter into
days of waiting,
nights of long vigil.
It knows the paths
you traveled
to be here
in the dark.
Even in the shadows
this blessing
sees more than it can say
and has simply
come to show you
the light
that you have given
not to return it
to you
not to reflect it
back to you
but only to ask you
to open your eyes
and see
the grace of it,
the gift that shines
in this brightness
that you bear.
—Jan Richardson
[2017 update: this blessing appears in Jan’s latest book, The Cure for Sorrow: A Book of Blessings for Times of Grief.]
P.S. I come bearing a few more Epiphany gifts for you…
At my Sanctuary of Women site, you can find a brand-new retreat that I’ve designed for Women’s Christmas, which some folks celebrate on Epiphany. To learn more about Women’s Christmas and download the retreat (at no cost), click the image or link below.
Women’s Christmas: The Shimmering Hours
For previous reflections for Epiphany, including “Blessing of the Magi,” click these images or the titles below.
Epiphany: Blessing of the Magi
Epiphany: Blessing for Those Who Have Far to Travel
Epiphany: Where the Map Begins
Feast of the Epiphany: Blessing the House
In celebration of the season, the Advent discount on annual subscriptions to Jan Richardson Images (the website that makes my work available for use in worship) will be available through Epiphany Day (January 6). For info, visit:
Jan Richardson Images
[To use the image “This Brightness That You Bear,” please visit this page at Your use of helps make the ministry of The Painted Prayerbook possible. Thank you!]