In Which We Begin Again: Ascension & Pentecost

Marrying, moving, making a home with my sweetheart: these days are full of new beginnings. As I move through the changes and transitions that this season offers, I am mindful, too, that the Christian calendar is telling us much the same thing: this is a time that beckons us to start anew.

We are approaching the end of the Easter season. This week gives us the Feast of the Ascension (which falls on May 13; many churches will celebrate it on the 16th), and next week we will celebrate Pentecost. For the followers of Jesus, these two events—Jesus’ physical departure from earth and the descent of the Holy Spirit at the festival of Pentecost—were pivotal ones in the life of their community. These events called them to wrestle with questions they had not had to face during Jesus’ life. How would they follow Jesus when he was no longer physically present? What did it mean to become the body of Christ in this world? Enlivened by the Spirit, what new beginning were they being called to make?

As for the early followers of Jesus, and for all those who have sought Christ across the ages, the feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost beckon us to consider how God continually invites and inspirits us to begin again. These days challenge us to discern and imagine anew the life to which God calls us, both individually and in community. As we move through the coming days, what new beginning—large or seemingly small—might God be drawing you toward? What do you need in order to cross this threshold? Who could help?

Things may continue to be a bit sporadic here at The Painted Prayerbook as I cross this new threshold, settle in, and gear up for the travels and projects scheduled for this summer, but I look forward to easing back into the swing of things in cyberspace and being in conversation with you here. In the meantime, I invite you to stop by my earlier reflections for the feasts of the Ascension and Pentecost. Clicking the images or the reflection titles below them will take you to the posts.

Peace to you as we celebrate these festive days, and a blessing upon your beginnings!

Ascension/Easter 7: A Blessing at Bethany

Pentecost: Fire and Breath

4 Responses to “In Which We Begin Again: Ascension & Pentecost”

  1. david brown Says:

    Congratulations on your wedding and best wishes.

  2. mompriest Says:

    Many blessings on this new life in your life!

  3. Marcia Says:

    Some of the words in your Ascension blog hit home with regard to my oldest son graduating high school and on his way to college in the fall. It is a different view point to think of my self as leaving my son – blessing him and leaving him to “free him to live into his ongoing call”. In a very real way I am leaving him – stepping back and further out of his life.

    Thanks for blogging as you are able. Your words and art are thought provoking and a grounding force.

    Blessing of newness and adventure along with familiarity and peace in your new beginnings.

  4. Yara Says:

    Congratulations and blessings to you and Gary upon this new phase of your journey together. May your lives together be a blessing to God.

    It’s good to have you back… you’ve been missed.

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