Trinity Sunday: Into the Sacred Ordinary

A Spiral-Shaped God © Jan L. Richardson

Greetings from amidst the boxes! A month into my marriage, I’m finally getting serious about packing up the cozy studio apartment where I have lived for more than a decade. (It’s not just procrastination; I’ve had a few things going on!) I’m thrilled about having more space now that my sweetheart and I have moved into our new home, where I have a whole room that I’ll use as my studio/office. Yet I have loved living in the lovely, light-filled space of my wee apartment (300 square feet on a good day) and know there will be a certain poignance when I close the door here for the last time.

Sitting among the boxes during this afternoon of packing, taking a break with a cup of tea, I’m still thinking about the beginnings and threshold-crossings that I pondered here at The Painted Prayerbook a couple of weeks ago. As I wrap up (literally) the life that I’ve lived within these walls and carry my belongings and myself into a new space and a new season, we are crossing a threshold in the Christian calendar as well. In the rhythm of the Christian year, this Sunday is Trinity Sunday, which marks the beginning of the season that’s often called Ordinary Time. Ordinary Time is a loooong season that’s sometimes hard to get our liturgical brains around because there aren’t any major holy days that help us know where we are in the year and what we’re supposed to do. Yet this can be a rich time, because this season beckons us to ponder how and where we find the presence of the sacred in the ordinary dailiness of our lives.

For me, it’s a good time to be crossing into some new spaces both in the physical realm and in the terrain of my soul. Heading into this ordinary season (which, honestly, comes as something of a relief in the wake of the past months that have been wondrous but intense), I find myself wondering where I’ll meet the holy in the coming weeks and months. As I unpack these boxes and settle into the new rhythms that are emerging as Gary and I make a home together, how might the face of God reveal itself, challenging me to see in ways I haven’t seen before?

How about you? Where might God be hiding out in the midst of the moments—ordinary or otherwise—that will make up your life in the days to come?

As we move toward Trinity Sunday and into Ordinary Time, I invite you to visit my earlier reflection: Trinity Sunday: A Spiral-Shaped God. May you find many blessings amid the sacred ordinariness of the coming season.

6 Responses to “Trinity Sunday: Into the Sacred Ordinary”

  1. mompriest Says:

    Oh joy for you! May this season of ordinariness be delightful.

  2. Gordon Atkinson Says:

    Congratulations on the move and the change and for your new life.

  3. Daily Grace Says:

    As I sat on my front porch this morning, looking at the trees and listening to the small birds singing their morning praises to the Lord, I thanked God for the beautiful melody that I heard surrounding me. Ordinary things are often extraordinary gifts from God. He reveals himself in the sacred ordinariness everyday.

    Blessings to you in your new life. May it be filled with extraordinary love and laughter.

  4. Elizabeth Nordquist Says:

    Congratulations on all the good gifts you have received and are receiving. I am grateful for this latest post, as this season begins to feel like a Breath of Air after some intense working. Continued deep breathing mercies for you as you continue to live into the New Things being born in you and borne by you! with electronic affection, Elizabeth

  5. Deborah Irizarry Says:

    I love the spiral three in one God symbol.

  6. Kim Says:

    God is so good. He lead me here. Your new life, your work and talent and words, give me hope and inspiration. Blessings to you both.

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