Women’s Christmas Retreat 2024: Curious about Joy

Image: Wise Women Also CameImage: Wise Women Also Came © Jan Richardson

Happy New Year and Merry Epiphany! In celebration, these three wise women are stopping by with a gift for you. You might know that some folks celebrate Epiphany (January 6) as Women’s Christmas. Originating in Ireland, where it is known as Nollaig na mBan, Women’s Christmas began as a day when the women set aside time to enjoy a break and celebrate together at the end of the holidays.

It has become a tradition for me to create a new retreat each year that you can download as a PDF and use on Women’s Christmas or whenever you need some time for reflection and regathering. The new retreat is hot off the press and waiting for you! This year’s theme is Curious about Joy. It includes readings, art, questions, and blessings. You can do the retreat alone or share it with friends. (And it’s not for women only!)

There is no cost for the retreat. It’s my Women’s Christmas gift to you, with deep gratitude for your presence on my path. To download the retreat, click this link to go to the Women’s Christmas page on my Sanctuary of Women site:

Women’s Christmas Retreat 2024: Curious about Joy

I would be delighted for you to share this gift with others.

I send much gratitude and many blessings for you. Merry Women’s Christmas!

[To use the Wise Women Also Came image or order it as a print, please visit this page at Jan Richardson Images.]

4 Responses to “Women’s Christmas Retreat 2024: Curious about Joy”

  1. barbara Says:

    a dear dear friend gifted this to me, and oh gracious, as i sit here watching my garden growing lacier and lacier with the winter’s first real snow, i am nestling in as if shoulder to shoulder, bosom to bosom, with a dear friend i’ve not seen in a year. it’s rare the writer who makes us feel so deeply at home, and who welcomes us in with the rivers of sorrow that flow through us, and points us toward the ways to befriend joy, even at the cusp of what might be one hard year…..

    thank you, dear dear jan, for this heart-spilling gift. and thank you dear friend who quietly slipped it onto my lap, and into my heart, this epiphany morning.

  2. Kathy Says:

    thank you! Can’t wait to “go” on retreat

  3. Lynda Lowery Says:

    Jan, thank you so much for honoring me with these wonderful gifts … of your words and paintings…..they restore my soul….they bring healing to all my broken places and pieces, they bring the everlasting arms to wrap around me, they bring colour and joy into my being which then wants to burst out all over the place, they bring wholeness in their holinesss and I am so grateful! Thank you so much for opening yourself to us all, for sharing the deepest things which we recognise and some of us know, thank you for your act of giving, may you be blessed again and again in even more ways than you have blessed me!

  4. patti normile Says:

    This truly looks like a gift to women!

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